How To · Top 10

Day 1 of Answering Top 10 Most Searched ‘How-To’ Questions

In today’s busy world, finding quick and easy solutions to everyday problems is very important. Whether you’re trying to understand modern technology, get healthier, manage your money, or do DIY projects at home, the internet has many “how-to” guides to help you. This article answers top 10 of the most popular “how-to” questions, giving you clear and simple steps to solve different problems. From deleting your Instagram account and resetting your iPhone to losing weight and boiling eggs perfectly, these guides are here to make your life easier and more efficient.

1. How to Delete Instagram Account

Deleting your Instagram account is a straightforward process, but it’s important to note that this action is permanent and cannot be undone. Follow these steps:

  1. Log In to Instagram: Open Instagram in a web browser (you can’t delete your account from within the app).
  2. Go to Delete Your Account Page: Visit the Delete Your Account page.
  3. Select a Reason: From the dropdown menu, select the reason why you want to delete your account.
  4. Re-enter Your Password: Enter your password to confirm your identity.
  5. Delete Account: Click or tap “Permanently delete my account.”

Your account and all your data will be permanently removed after this action.

2. How to Reset iPhone

Resetting your iPhone can fix various issues, but it also means you will lose all your data, so ensure you have a backup. Here’s how to reset your iPhone:

  1. Open Settings: Go to the “Settings” app.
  2. Go to General: Scroll down and tap “General.”
  3. Reset: Scroll to the bottom and tap “Reset.”
  4. Erase All Content and Settings: Select “Erase All Content and Settings.”
  5. Enter Passcode: If prompted, enter your passcode.
  6. Confirm: Tap “Erase iPhone” to confirm.

Your iPhone will restart and all data will be erased.

3. How to Lose Weight

Losing weight effectively involves a combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week.
  2. Healthy Diet:
    • Eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
    • Reduce intake of sugars and refined carbs.
    • Drink plenty of water.
  3. Exercise Regularly: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week.
  4. Monitor Portions: Use smaller plates, and avoid second helpings.
  5. Stay Active: Incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine (e.g., take stairs, walk during breaks).
  6. Sleep Well: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.
  7. Track Progress: Keep a food diary or use an app to track your diet and exercise.

4. How to Get Rid of Ants

Ant infestations can be annoying, but here are some effective methods to get rid of them:

  1. Cleanliness: Keep your home clean, especially the kitchen. Wipe up spills and crumbs immediately.
  2. Seal Entry Points: Find and seal cracks and crevices where ants might enter your home.
  3. Ant Baits: Use commercial ant baits that ants carry back to their nest, effectively killing the colony.
  4. Natural Remedies:
    • Mix vinegar and water (50/50) and spray around entry points and trails.
    • Sprinkle cinnamon, coffee grounds, or cayenne pepper in areas where ants are entering.
  5. Outdoor Control: Treat ant nests outside your home with appropriate insecticides.
  6. Professional Help: If the infestation is severe, consider hiring pest control professionals.

5. How to Save Money

Saving money involves planning and discipline. Here are some practical steps:

  1. Create a Budget: List all your income and expenses to understand where your money goes.
  2. Cut Unnecessary Expenses: Identify and eliminate non-essential spending (e.g., dining out, subscriptions).
  3. Set Savings Goals: Define clear, achievable savings targets.
  4. Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers to your savings account.
  5. Reduce Utility Bills: Conserve energy to lower electricity, water, and heating bills.
  6. Shop Smart: Look for discounts, use coupons, and buy in bulk when possible.
  7. Avoid Debt: Try to pay off credit cards in full each month to avoid interest charges.
  8. Emergency Fund: Build an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.

6. How to Boil Eggs

Boiling eggs is simple but can vary depending on your preference for doneness:

  1. Place Eggs in a Pot: Arrange the eggs in a single layer in a pot and cover them with cold water.
  2. Boil the Water: Place the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil over high heat.
  3. Timing:
    • Soft-Boiled: 4-6 minutes.
    • Medium-Boiled: 7-9 minutes.
    • Hard-Boiled: 10-12 minutes.
  4. Cool the Eggs: Once done, transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process and make peeling easier.
  5. Peel and Serve: Once cooled, peel the eggs and enjoy.

7. How to Write a Cover Letter

A cover letter should complement your resume and showcase your suitability for the job. Here’s how to write one:

  1. Header: Include your contact information at the top, followed by the date and the employer’s contact information.
  2. Greeting: Address the hiring manager by name if possible.
  3. Introduction: Start with a strong opening sentence that mentions the job you’re applying for and how you found the job listing.
  4. Body:
    • Highlight your relevant skills and experiences.
    • Explain why you’re a good fit for the role and the company.
    • Provide specific examples of your achievements.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize your interest in the position and express your eagerness to discuss further in an interview.
  6. Sign-Off: Use a professional closing such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name.

8. How to Get a Passport

Applying for a passport involves several steps. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Complete the Application: Fill out the passport application form (DS-11 for first-time applicants in the U.S.).
  2. Gather Documents:
    • Proof of citizenship (e.g., birth certificate).
    • Proof of identity (e.g., driver’s license).
    • Passport photo (following specific requirements).
  3. Submit Application: Submit the form and documents in person at a passport acceptance facility (e.g., post office).
  4. Pay Fees: Pay the required passport fees.
  5. Processing: Wait for your passport to be processed, which can take several weeks.

9. How to Apply Makeup

Applying makeup can enhance your features and boost your confidence. Here’s a basic guide:

Lipstick/Gloss: Finish with lipstick or gloss for your lips.

Cleanse and Moisturize: Start with a clean face and apply moisturizer to create a smooth base.

Primer: Apply primer to help makeup last longer.

Foundation: Apply foundation evenly using a brush, sponge, or fingers.

Concealer: Use concealer to cover blemishes and under-eye circles.

Powder: Set your foundation with a light dusting of powder.

Eyeshadow: Apply eyeshadow in desired shades, blending well.

Eyeliner: Line your eyes to define them.

Mascara: Apply mascara to your lashes for volume and length.

Blush/Bronzer: Add blush to the cheeks and bronzer to contour.

10. How to Improve Credit Score

Improving your credit score takes time and effort. Here are some steps to help you:

  1. Check Your Credit Report: Get a free copy of your credit report from and review it for errors.
  2. Pay Bills on Time: Late payments can negatively impact your score, so pay bills by their due dates.
  3. Reduce Debt: Pay down existing debts, especially credit card balances.
  4. Limit Credit Applications: Avoid opening multiple new accounts at once, as it can lower your score.
  5. Use Credit Responsibly: Keep credit card balances low and only apply for new credit when necessary.
  6. Monitor Your Score: Use credit monitoring services to keep track of changes in your credit score.


At the end of day 1, we’ve delved into some of the internet’s most searched “how-to” questions, providing straightforward solutions to a variety of common challenges. From mastering digital platforms like Instagram and iPhone settings to achieving personal goals such as weight loss and cooking basics, these answers aim to simplify your daily life. As we continue exploring more queries in the days ahead, remember that knowledge empowers action, and with these practical tips, you’re better equipped to navigate and conquer everyday tasks effectively.

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